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What is your favorite time of day?

My favorite time of day is waking up in the morning and sleeping during the night because it is really cold and I don’t need to use a blanket. Also in the morning I always get up and make sure i brush my teeth and wash my face before I come to school on the weekday or Monday though Friday and right after I’m done school I go to football practice from 4 pm to  6 pm because i like to play football for the school and sometimes i play with my friends outside in the neighborhood our in there backyard. Once my friends and i was playing football and then it hit a car on the  way in his garage up the street but we blamed it on our neighborhood and he was a senior at waianae high school. Back to my story and My favorite time of day is mostly night time because I can play my Xbox 360 for 3 hours then I can eat then go to sleep

The best day ever

Everyday I experience some of my best day ever but it sucks once in a while because of the things I do to make it worst but I have y best day’s. I woke up at my cousin’s house in Waianae Valley because I always wanted to go there since last year in march. Also One day I woke in my back yard for some reason but, when I realized it was my mom who put me out there. The weather was like very warm and sometimes it is cold during the night in Helelua, Nanakuli. The thing that happened to me is my cousin and I was playing black ops 2 mob of the dead because I always wanted to play black ops 2 with him every year when ever had a new update. Also I just love playing black ops 2 with him because we spend of the day outside instead of staying in the house all day. I spend the day with my cousin Elaia Enriquez  because when I feel sad he is always tells me what’s wrong or what happen and we both get along with one another. This is the person who makes my best day ever. The best part of that day was playing black ops 2 and playing basketball with his friends at the park for 5 hours a day and then going home for dinner. The things that gone bad was my cousin’s girlfriend because she don’t like for some reason or she just have a bad attitude or something but nothing really gone bad because it was just having fun with him. This was the  best day ever because I got to spend time with my favorite cousin of all time and he is the person I hang around with if there is no one there at the park or at home. We ate for breakfast was my aunty made her awesome fried rice with different kind of meat in it and she made a huge pot of it and I ate three bowls because it was to good to eat in the morning. For lunch we had eggs rice and spam because everyone in the house because they went to work and the only people that was in the house was my cousin Elaia, me and justin but he is a tweeker on his Xbox 360. We had for dinner was hamburger and cream of mushroom because we wasn’t that hungry for something good to eat but that is we had for Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What happened at the end of the day was my cousin Justin locked Elaia and me outside with nothing to sleep with and it was freaking cold like no more tomorrow.  The day could have gotten any better by locking Justin out of the house instead of us because he need to learn how cold it is outside at night time and also he needs to stop playing games and come outside and play with his friend and not staying in the house for ever. This day can be repeated if my mom keeps dropping me off there on the weekends because sometimes I think it is a dream that i’m going to there house on Saturday and Sunday but, since Elaia has a job I got to stay with Justin for 8 hours because he does nothing at all in the house instead of cleaning his bed in the room where he plays his Xbox 360. Another thing is Justin  has a girlfriend and they meet every other day because Justin is to busy playing his stupid game and I have to wait for her to come over to see him but no he is in the house playing his Xbox 360. Also his girlfriend doesn’t like waiting for him to come outside and when she is leaving then he comes out to see her and her Name is Ana.


   The type of music I like to listen to is R&B because I always listen the song call “When I Was Your Man” from Bruno Mars because I can say all the words he is saying and also he graduated from Roosevelt High school. some of my favorite artist is Bruno Mars, sometimes Usher, Justin Timberlake, Lil Wayne, and Sean Kingston because some of there songs I really like to listen to at home or in the car on the way to school. The top 5 favorite songs is When I was your man from Bruno Mars, Without you from Usher, Suit and Tie from Justin Timberlake, Mirror from little Wayne, and locked put of heaven from Bruno mars. The reason why I listen to music because I like to sing the words so I can sing it to my mom and grandma when there’s no one around or in the car most of the time. The next reason why I listen to music because the artist has emotions or feelings in there song they sing, even if they are happy. Music is important to me because I just like singing songs from people on the radio. There are one type of music I like is hip hop because I always hear it on the radio everyday and it’s how they sing there song with passion and feeling. Without music, life would be a mistake because without music people will get out of control and they would ripe every thing up in the city because there is no music at all in this world. I agree to his Quote because without music people will not get anywhere in life back than and without music people will go crazy just to put in one song so they can listen to it. Also some times we just need to just make our ways of making music so other people will listen to.

100 Question

  1. What is your full name? Reginald enriquez
  2. How many stuffed animals do you own? I own 3
  3. One charity organization you think is worthy of your money? Mcdonald
  4. Favorite zoo animal? Tiger
  5. If you could fly anywhere around the world, where would you want to fly to and why? I would fly to california because they have disbey land.
  6. Shoe size? 13
  7. Favorite School Subject? math and study skills
  8. Have you ever eaten at the Costco food court, if so what did you eat? yes and I ate chesse pizza
  9. Favorite pizza topping? Mushroom
  10. What kind of laundry soap do you buy? Tide
  11. Do you like to take pictures? no
  12. Favorite child -hood toy? basketball
  13. Favorite novel/book? David no david
  14. Do you like to go on nature walks? no
  15. Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
  16. What TV character inspires you? power rangers
  17. Did you watch the 2012 Miss America Pageant? no
  18. Movie Theaters or Netflix? Both
  19. Hamburgers or Cheeseburgers?cheeseburger
  20. If you were trapped on a deserted island for 60 nights and 60 days, what 5 items would you take with you? water, knife, stick, bat, food
  21. What are the ages of everyone in your immediate family? 31, 55, 8, 6 ,4 and 13                                  100.  What kind of car/truck do you want to drive? car
  22. Ultimate dream vacation? stay on Oahu
  23. Favorite Disney character? mickey mouse
  24. When is your birthday? march 18
  25. Are you going to college? If so what will you major in?yes, bachlor
  26. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
  27. Ever been to Washington DC?NO
  28. Favorite wild animal?Eagle
  29. Are we there yet?yes
  30. Favorite clothing brand? billabong
  31. Do you like to cook?Yes
  32. Favorite household chore if any? wash dish
  33. Are you bored yet?Yes
  34. When was your last hug?yesturday at home
  35. Did you have a good News Years? What did you do to celebrate it?yes, flying fireworks
  36. Favorite season? winter
  37. Do you have a nickname? If so what is it?Reggie because of reggie bush
  38. Your best friend’s name? slade
  39. Pizza or spaghetti?Spaghetti
  40. Tacos or burritos?burritos
  41. Do you have any tattoos?no
  42. Wide ruled or college ruled paper? Wide paper
  43. Sears or Macys?Macys
  44. Ever been to California?No
  45. What TV show from your child hood would you like to see come back on the air?no
  46. Body wash or bar soap?body wash
  47. What kind of computer do you have? Toshiba
  48. Smart phone or regular phone?smart phone
  49. Do you need new furniture?no
  50. Where do you buy groceries at? sack n save
  51. Where do you buy clothes at?walmart
  52. Ever had a pillow fight?No
  53. Did your parents give you a car at the age of 16? no
  54. Ever been in a car accident?no
  55. Do you know someone who drinks?Yes
  56. Do you know someone who smokes?Yes
  57. Ever been to Detroit, Michigan?No
  58. Ever been to Alaska?NO
  59. What are you afraid of?boogie man
  60. What is your weakest link? running
  61. Bikini or one piece swim suits?bikini
  62. Where did you spend spring break? at home
  63. Have you ever worked at McDonalds?No
  64. Rain or Snow?snow
  65. Favorite comedy movie?Augie t
  66. Favorite action flick?Click
  67. Do you like chick flicks? nothing
  68. Cookies or brownies?brownies
  69. Do you use a bath robe?Yes
  70. Scrunchies or hair ties?scrunchie
  71. Hotel or Motel?hotel
  72. Do you believe laughter is the best medicine? Yes
  73. Do you like buffet restaurants?Yes
  74. What would you do if suddenly the whole computer system world crashed? return it and buy me a new one
  75. What is your favorite restaurant? ho oh
  76. What was the last thing you bought yourself?call of duty black ops 2
  77. Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck?Mickey mouse
  78. Spongebob or Patrick? patrick
  79. Lightning MCQueen or Tow Mater? Tow mater
  80. What is the last thing you ate? hamburger and cream of mushroom
  81. Advil or Tylenol?advil
  82. If you could change one thing about the world today what would it be?less price
  83. How many pen pals do you have?12
  84. What magazines do you read?sports
  85. Favorite author?RL Stine
  86. What radio stations do you listen to? 102.7 da bomb
  87. Who is your favorite singer?justin timberlake
  88. Who was your last phone call to? my mom
  89. What have you done to make a difference in someone’s life? help my mom clean the house instead of going to play with my friends
  90. Ipad or Kindle? Kindle
  91. Have you ever been to jail? No
  92. Favorite board game?Scrabble
  93. Do you play games online?yes
  94. How much wood does a wood chuck, chuck if a wood chuck could chuck would? ALot
  95. How much is that Doggie in the Window?less than 5
  96. Did Grandma really get run over by a reindeer?no
  97. Did you make any New Years Resolutions? no
  98. Where were you in 1999?in one cradle
  99. Did you like this activity?Yes

Football practice

  This past 5 weeks I’ve been learning how to backside block with coach Ahi coach Keala’s brother. Also I have been placed as a lineman to block for the quarter back or the running back if he comes through any of our gaps. This football season will be great because we have new coach’s and I forgot one of the coach because he coach my brother Isaiah as a tiny might’s football team, but they won all of there games and the it came to this last one final game and then they lost. But the reason I started to play football is to get in shape.

The End Of School

The best thing that happened to me this school year is going out with raynette and bringing my grade’s up in all my grade’s when I was failing in the first and second quarter. Also The best thing that happened to me is trying to study hard in school everyday until the school year was ending in May 24, 2013. The worst thing that happened to me this year is seeing slade everyday but at least I say hi to him when ever I past him. The thing’s that I didn’t expect is to see Mr. Dooley this and I didn’t know he was going to be our new teacher for Advisory and ELT. Some people I meet new was seeing my old friend Mason VaiVai because I never seen him in a very long for about 5 years ago we was in the same class every year but only now I see him in 9th grade at nanakuli high and intermediate school. The best classes I had this year is having coach watson as one of our classes as study skills, the next class I really like is Ms. Watson and Ms. C because they all help us with our work when we need it. The class I don’t really like is Ms.Calma’s because she alway’s telling us a lot of stuff to do in one work with some test on our homework packet. The best teacher’s I like is Coach Keala, Mr.Beattie, and Mr.Dooley because they all help me on the problems that we need help in and sometime’s we need to figure out what we did wrong. The worst teacher’s I don’t really like is Mr.Enright because he always tells us to do work and when we are done, we get to  do anything on our free time even when we have homework for our other classes that we had before. The advice I got this school year is to not slack off in the first and second quarter because you can go to summer just like I did, but since I turned in all of my work I don’t need to go summer school because I made up my half credit for my health class and his name is Mr. Ezell. My favorite project I got this year is our Genealogy project and it was about my family tree, but my family had some crazy kind of swtory that they told me every year when I was 10 years old until now. The last time I wrote one Genealogy project was my 7th grade year for Ms.Howards class and that was a English class, but now she was replaced by a teacher name Ms.Arias. The worst project I had was trying to make a soybean project

Pet peeve

    A Pet Peeve is a particular and often continual annoyance, personal bugbear. The things that annoy me is my little brother because he always annoying me with his baseball bat and ball to play with him everyday but he goes practice every other day. Most of the time I’m always at football practice so I can’t play with him or at the game’s. The thing’s that prevent me from getting annoyed is putting really cold water on my face and breathing in and out a couple time’s, but the most thing I do is go outside and play with my friends or cool off. The reason he always annoy me because he want’s to spent sometime with me but I spend time with him everyday so we don’t get to have our time alone by our self even with our  friends outside because he want’s to have a lot of brother and brother bonding time forever and even if I move somewhere else. I will always love my brother but most of the time he just need’s to play with his friends to for a little while until i am all right. 

Life Lesson

The life lesson I have experience was how to keep my house clean and never be dirty by watching my uncle Graen clean the yard every other day for 3 month, but now he has a family so I do the work for a month. After I do the work for a month then I get to go anywhere I like even if the place is expensive like going movie’s and going to fun factory in kapolei. The next reason what my life lesson was never to slack off in the first and second quarter and I failed so I had to go summer school, but if you work hard in the first and second you will get good grades and never go summer school again. The next two quarters i work hard to get A’s and B’s, but I got 1 A, 3 C and 1 D. When you work harder in school you can get straight A’s. These are my life lesson because I need to stop playing around and keep focusing on school work and helping my family around the house or the yard.  One more thing If you are going to do something crazy just don’t do it because a concequence is going hit you right in the face, also work hard in school and this is a comment to me because I worked hard in school.

Role Model

The person who is my role model is my uncle Graen because he always tell’s me to keep my head up and follow your dreams. The reason why he is my role model because he inspire’s me to play football in high and college to make something out of me just like him so I can live a better life. The next reason why he is my role model because he played for Waianae for 4 years in high school and he never go college because he had my little niece Alexis, but now I can be the only one in the family who can go to college make play football and get good grade’s. The characteristic’s that he has is passionate to other people and he is a hard working person and I can see those things in him so that is a person i follow in my life. The role model I will in my life is to tell my brother and my to sister’s to not to get into fight’s in school and get good grade’s while you are in school so go college and get a career job that you want to be in and DON’T do bad things while you are living your life in the real world.

10 Years From Now

  In 10 years from now I will be working as a business man or playing football in the NFL and college of Hawaii. Also I will still live in Nanakuli because this is were I grown up and lived here for the rest of my life as a little kid. This is where will I live in 10 years from now and I’m proud to live in Nanakuli.