
Life of myself and people around me

  Hello, my name is Reginald Enriquez and I live on the west side of Oahu. Also, I live my life helping my mom and my dad watch the kids that include’s my brother and sisters. On my free time I like to play basketball with my friends, but they sometimes get mad at me for doing BS shots once in a while. The school I go to is Nanakuli High and Intermediate school and I’m a 9th grader. If you think i’m a young kid who is doing this, but I’m just a 15-year-old teenager.

After high school I want to go college and become an engineer to work on aircraft. Before I’m going to be an engineer on aircraft, I need to work harder in high school to become an engineer on aircraft. The reason why I want to become an engineer on aircraft is my uncle Lazo works at international airlines. His been working at international airlines for many years. Also, he love’s working on aircraft’s because he can take his family with him and they can enjoy what I do for a living. One day I want to be a famous baseball player at least be something famous in. The things I like to do when I finish high school is I want to go college at University of Hawaii.

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